Industry Resources
CDC Issues Recommendations for Pet Stores, Distributors and Breeders
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our partners at PIJAC have been in close contact with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the latest resources and developments concerning the virus and pets, and have provided this latest resource for our...
U.S. Chamber Combating the Coronavirus
The U.S. Chamber is working closely with the White House, U.S. government agencies, and foreign government officials to inform and equip businesses with the most important and up-to-date information to prevent the spread of the virus and prepare businesses for the...
Humane Society of the United States COVID-19 FAQ
Those at the Humane Society of the United States are reeling from the changes happening in the world outside, as we know you are. They are thinking about the people out there who are anxious, home bound or sick—and all of our animals too. In addition, they are working...
APPA COVID-19 Information
During these extraordinary times, APPA is here to assist and support the pet care community. Our goal over the next few months is to do all we can to help the pet care community in the face of this crisis. Our focus will be on providing you with information you need...
New Infographic from Pet Care Community Offers Tips for Keeping “Pandemic Pets” as Things Get Back to “Normal-ish”
Pets helped us cope with the pandemic by easing stress, fighting depression and loneliness, giving us reasons to exercise and play, and just being great companions. Now that stay-at-home orders are lifting, we, along with others from America’s pet care community have...
SBA Disaster Assistance in Response to the Coronavirus
The U.S. Small Business Administration is offering designated states and territories low-interest federal disaster loans for working capital to small businesses suffering substantial economic injury as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Upon a request received...
American Veterinary Medical Association COVID-19 Updates
Health officials across the U.S. and all over the world are working hard to combat COVID-19. Veterinary professionals are receiving questions from their clients and their teams, and the AVMA is pleased to be able to provide credible information and resources to assist...
PIDA Signs Onto Coalition Letter Requesting Consistent Definition of “Critical Infrastructure”
PIDA, along with APPA, PFI, PIJAC and WPA, and 106 other associations, which all together represent almost the entire the whole U.S. economy, signed a coalition letter urging officials to use the U.S. Department of Homeland’s Security Cybersecurity &...
List Of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Small Business Relief Programs
Small businesses have been hit hard by mandatory closures and safety measures required to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). But businesses have a growing number of resources and relief programs to turn to, including many new provisions included the...
Occupational Safety and Health Administration COVID-19 Updates
The OSHA webpage provides information for workers and employers about the evolving coronavirus outbreak first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. The information includes links to interim guidance and other resources for preventing exposures to, and...
Pet Food Institute Resources and Information Regarding COVID-19
This website offers a listing of information and resources related to COVID-19. The list will be updated and refreshed as relevant information is released. For more information, visit the Pet Food Institute Resources and Information page.
PIDA Signs on Retail Sector Economic Stimulus Letter to the President
Retail Sector Economic Stimulus Letter PIDA signed onto a Retail Sector Economic Stimulus letter organized by the National Retail Federation which was sent Saturday to the President and Congressional Leadership. There were 90 associations in all that signed on. Click...